Minneapolis - Saint Paul Metro - BRTOD Station Area Plans

Crandall Arambula prepared 31 station area plans and transit corridor studies along two of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul region’s BRT corridors. Each station’s plan identifies the strategy needed to establish transit-orient development around the BRTOD station, meeting the needs of the local community.

The BRTOD plans also identify the local infrastructure investments and policy changes needed to achieve the larger vision of a vibrant and transit-supportive community. All plans were adopted and have resulted in a considerable amount of new transit-oriented development. For all station area plans, Crandall Arambula:

  • Served as the prime consultant and coordinated a team of transportation, economic, and other sub-consultants

  • Facilitated all station area public involvement efforts

  • Provided multiple stations, and concurrent station area planning services

  • Prepared all station area urban design, land use planning, and implementation services

  • Prepared station area final documents

  • Provided transit facility station facility design refinement in cooperation with Metro and their transit engineering consultants